


Blizzard Hockey follows the Hockey Nova Scotia Female Hockey Regulations:


Coaching/Manager Certifications
Respect in Sport
Criminal Records Checks
Tryouts and Selection Policy
Coach Selection Process
Fees and payment schedule
Refund Policy
Team Finances
Team Budget Policy
Team Fundraising Policy
Sponsorships and Donations
Jersey and Equipment Policy
Media and photos/video

Coaching/Manager Certifications

In order to be a Coach or Manager, there are specific certifications that you must have from Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia.  All of the necessary courses are provided free of charge. Any courses you require are paid for by Blizzard Hockey. Visit Hockey Nova Scotia's site for info on certifications and courses needed for the level you intend to coach. https://hockeynovascotia.ca/coach/coaching-requirements

Blizzard teams must have at least one female member on the team's bench staff. (Coaches and Assistant Coaches)

Respect in Sport

The Coach / Manager Respect in Sport certification is not the same as the Parent's Respect in Sport certification.
All bench staff and managers must have this certification. Link: https://hns.respectgroupinc.com/
Parents Respect in Sport:  https://hnsparent.respectgroupinc.com/

Records Checks

The Criminal Records Check (CRC) is done through the CB Regional Police. In-person paperwork sessions will be organized in the fall.
Everyone with a team role needs to have CRC completed. Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, managers, Dressing Room Supervisors and Safety Reps. We recommend every parent who attends the rink regularly have this certification to allow them to volunteer when needed.


Tryouts and Selection Policy

Tryouts and Selection Policy

Players must attend the first session, and at least 50 per cent of the evaluation sessions.  Top level evaluations will take place first at all levels, followed by lower level evaluations if necessary, depending upon the number of players registered.  

Players will be assigned a pinnie/jersey for tryouts, which they should wear during all of their ice sessions, as the number they are wearing will identify them to evaluators.

Independent evaluators will be assessing the players to determine team placement. Parents, guardians and players are not to have any contact with the evaluators.

For all tryouts, depending upon the number of players participating, cuts may take place after the second and subsequent tryout sessions.

Any player who has an outstanding account balance is not eligible to participate in tryouts until those fees have been paid.  All players must be registered with the Hockey Canada central registry in order to participate in tryouts. This is for insurance purposes.

Hockey Nova Scotia regulations permit a female player to try out for a minor team. Female players choosing to play female hockey will have to attend the female tryout process from the beginning and are not permitted to be part of both a minor tryout process and female evaluation process at the same time.

F2.21. Female players choosing to play female hockey must attend the female tryout process from the beginning and will not be permitted to be part of both a minor tryout process and female tryout process at the same time.
a. Exception - Female players who try out for Major U18 Female will be permitted to be part of the Association female tryout process.

Once the first tryout session begins in each division/level, late registrations will be not be accepted unless a team still has space available on its roster after evaluations take place.

F4.13. Female Council has the right, in its discretion to refuse player movement from one Association to another within Hockey Nova Scotia, even when authorization has been obtained from the home Association. Where a release is required under Hockey Canada regulations for a Female Hockey Age player from an Association or Major U18 Female team for the purpose of an Inter-Branch transfer, such release must be attained through application to the Hockey Canada Registry and approved by the Executive Director or their designate.


Notice of policy change effective 2025:

The number of players from outside organizations located within the Blizzard FHA zone who will be offered a roster position may be restricted or limited. The number of available positions is subject to change.


2025-26 top tier teams U11-U18: The top 12 players, based on tryout performance, will be offered spots on the roster. For players in tryout evaluation positions 13 through 20, preference will be given to players returning to the association from Blizzard teams in the prior season. Goaltenders in position 2 and 3 may be subject to this policy at the discretion of the coaching staff and evaluators. 


Players new to the Cape Breton Blizzard FHA zone or transferring from outside FHAs are not subject to this policy. 


Exceptional circumstances may be considered by the board for exemption.

Once team selections have been made, rosters will be posted on the Blizzard FHA website.

Injury and Illness during tryout period:

If a player is injured or ill and unable to participate fully in the CBBFHA tryout process due to a diagnosed medical condition, their parent(s)/legal guardian may apply in writing or by email, to the President of the CBBFHA for special consideration regarding mandatory attendance during the tryout period.  The following process will be enacted:

  • The CBBFHA will adhere to and enforce all recommendations and guidelines from Nova Scotia Public Health regarding infectious diseases.  Additional requirements and limitations may be instituted by Hockey Nova Scotia at any time and without warning.
  • Parent(s)/legal guardian must obtain and submit a doctor’s certificate that details both the injury and/or illness as well as the anticipated date that the player is able to fully return to the level of activity expected for all players trying out for the desired team.  The circumstances behind the injury or illness, as well as the anticipated return date will be taken into account when determining whether to approve the request for special consideration. All medical documentation must be submitted directly to the President of the CBBFHA.
  • If the player has participated in the majority of the tryout sessions and was able to participate without reporting any difficulty to the on ice instructors, the coaching staff and evaluators will assess the player based on what was demonstrated during the tryouts they attended.
  • If the player was not able to be fairly evaluated on the ice or if the coaching staff and/or evaluators believe that the player did not attend enough evaluation sessions to be fairly assessed, the coaching staff and evaluators are able to consult regarding the player’s skill level and abilities.  For example, if a previously released player became injured or ill while being assessed for a second tier team, the coaches and evaluators may consult with the coaching staff and evaluators who had previously assessed the player for the higher tier level team.
  • If the player was not seen during any phase of the tryout process, the coaching staff and evaluators (as deemed appropriate) may consult with the coaching staff who worked with the player during the previous season.  Once all the information is gathered, the coaching staff and the evaluators will decide on whether or not the player will continue to be considered for the representative team.  For short-term injuries and/or illnesses, once the player has received medical clearance to return to full activities, the player can be further assessed for any available spots on the team’s roster.
  • All injuries that occur during tryouts must be immediately reported and recorded using Hockey Canada’s Medical report form. The CBBFHA will provide the forms and complete the details, however it is a player’s responsibility to ensure that injuries sustained as a result of the tryout process are reported.
  • A doctor’s certificate must be provided indicating that the player is fit to return to tryouts and/or specifying any limitations that would restrict the players’ full participation in the selection process.
  • Players whose parent(s)/legal guardian do not request in writing or request via email for special consideration as a result of the player being injured or ill prior to the start of tryouts and that player does not attend any of the tryout sessions cannot be considered for a representative team.  For players who become injured or ill after tryouts have started and has a doctor certificate to indicate that the player is unable to participate in the tryout process as scheduled must request special consideration in writing or via email to the President of the CBBFHA within 24 hours of sustaining the injury or developing the diagnosed illness.




Coach Selection Process

The Call For Coaches occurs every year in mid-summer.

If more than one person seeks a head coaching position for a team, the coaching selection is made by an independent three-person panel convened by the Coaching Co-Ordinator and approved by Blizzard's Board of Directors. The indpendent panelists can not have a child trying out for the team in question.

The selection panel may conduct an interview process in-person or by Zoom.



Registration must be completed by September 3, 2024. Payments can be made in installments or parents can pay in full at registration.  Payments may be made online through your GrayJay account or by e-transfer to payment@capebretonblizzard.ca or in person by cheque or cash. The final payment can be dated no later than November 15 of the current hockey season.

Anyone that does not make arrangements for payment of fees by November 15 will be suspended from all Blizzard activities until payment arrangements are made.

Fee Structure:

Players participating in the ticket draw program have their fees discounted by $200.

U7 Timbits hockey: $500 (-$200 ticket sellers discount)
Recreational/C Hockey: $725 (-$200 ticket sellers discount)
Rep Hockey A/AA/AAA: $725 + Rep Fee approx $200-350 depending on team (-$200 ticket sellers discount)



Refund Policy

CB Blizzard FHA will refund players a certain amount based on the date of withdrawal. Players withdraw for a number of reasons but it is essential that if you are withdrawing, to contact our registrar immediately as the date the request is received is the date that will be used to calculate the refund.

  • Full refunds will be made prior to registration deadline on September 3rd, 2024 (less a $25 admin fee). 
  • Registrations after September 4th are considered "late registrations" and may be subject to a late registration fee.
  • Between September 4th and September 30th, a 50% refund of full regular season fee will be issued.
  • Between October 1st and October 15th, a 35% refund of full regular season fee will be issued.
  • After October 15th, no refunds of regular season fees will be issued.
  • Any fundraised amounts toward player registration for withdrawn players are non-refundable.
  • Registration refunds do not apply to special camps or try out fees.
  • There is no refund for season-ending suspensions.
  • There is no refund issued until jersey/s are returned.
  • There is no refund for already missed sessions or retroactive requests.



Team Finances

Each Blizzard team is responsible for its own financial operations. The Team Coaching Staff must appoint a Team Manager who is responsible for collecting, banking, and disbursement of team funds. The Team Manager cannot be the spouse, direct relation, or a person residing in the same residence of the team’s Head Coach.

Fees paid to Blizzard FHA for registration entitle each player to participate on a hockey team. Blizzard provides each team in the association with jerseys, practice ice time, development ice and registration and participation in the applicable hockey league.

Each team may incur additional costs during the hockey season that are not part of the fees paid to the FHA and must anticipate and budget for these costs. These additional costs are the responsibility of the team and parent group. The funds to cover these costs will have to be raised through a payment from each family or by fundraising to cover these costs. The Team Manager shall account for fundraising and spending of the hockey team, and report to the FHA and to the parents of the respective hockey team. The Team Manager is required to provide to the team parents and to the FHA the financial information as outlined in this document and as required by Blizzard FHA Policies & Procedures. At any time, the FHA can request team financial statements or authorize the FHA treasurer to intervene on behalf of the organization.

It is recommended that the team manager provide regular updates to the team with respect to the financial position of the team in order to prevent ‘surprises’ and/or misunderstandings. A simple financial update could include a summary of money spent and on what, and how much more would be required to pay for budgeted expenditures as outlined in the initial budget.

At a minimum, Blizzard requires the following financial reporting:
• Budget reporting to FHA Treasurer as detailed above.
• A final accounting at year end of all the money raised (through fundraising, parent contributions, sponsorships, donations, etc.) and all the money spent must be prepared and reported to the parents & FHA.

Team managers will be required to set up a bank account at a Scotiabank branch. Cheques written from the account require two signatures. Generally, the signature of the manager and one other parent (signatories are required to be set up with the bank). The two signatories should not have a personal relationship or connection outside of the team. The segregation of duties means that no single person is responsible for a transaction from start to finish.

Ensure receipts are obtained or a copy provided for all transactions that take place. In general, receipts should be numbered for easy tracking and should contain the following information:

• Date of transaction
• Service rendered/purpose of payment
• Company owing payment
• Company receiving payment
• Signature of individual accepting payment
• Amount
• Form of payment

Should your team host a tournament you will need to either use your team bank account or contact the FHA Treasurer or FHA Administrator to have a tournament account set up through the FHA banking.


Team Budget Policy

Each team must prepare a budget for the upcoming hockey season. An optional template will be provided on the FHA website. Once prepared, the budget must be reviewed and approved by the parents of the players of the hockey team. The review needs to include a discussion at a parent meeting of the anticipated costs of the team and the level of fundraising and/or cash calls required to support the budget. The budget should be approved by at least 75% of the team’s parents.

Examples of costs to include in the budget may include, but are not limited to:
• Tournament Fees
• Team Equipment
• Team apparel (including hockey socks)
• Team social events
• Additional Player Development (i.e. dryland training, extra practices, etc.)
• Year End Party/Gifts
• Bank Fees
• Rep teams may have HNS playoff fees

Blizzard FHA, as a matter of policy, does not restrict the type of costs that a team may incur. Blizzard FHA believes that parent oversight and good judgment will be the overall deciding factors when it comes to determining what spending is appropriate for each team. These costs are to be shared equally by the parents of the hockey players and can ultimately be minimized by fundraising activity.


Team Fundraising Policy

Fundraising activity by Blizzard teams need to be planned & budgeted for and can include, but are not limited to:
Bottle Drives
Fundraising Sales (i.e. chocolate bars, Christmas wreaths etc.)
Sponsor banners / calendars

The amount of fundraising to be done is to be determined by the parents of each hockey team. There is not a requirement to do any fundraising, however fundraising done by the team will reduce costs to the parents to cover team expenses.


Sponsorships and/or donations

From time to time a team may be offered a sponsorship or a donation from an individual or company in support of the team’s expenses. The sponsorship or donation may be designated for a specific expenditure or may be used at the team’s discretion. Sponsorships/donations may also take the form of a good or service (rather than money). It is recommended that all sponsorships and donations to a team be acknowledged by some form of thank you note or letter of appreciation to the donor.

The Blizzard logo and Kraft Hockeyville logo can be used only with permission.


Jersey/Equipment Policy

All players will be assessed a $100 jersey deposit at the time of registration. This will be credited at the end of the year when the jersey is returned or can be carried over to the next year.

Teams should appoint a manager who will be responsible to manage the care, maintenance, distribution, and collection of the jerseys throughout the season.

Only the equipment manager or designate can distribute jerseys to maintain accurate inventory. Throughout the year any request from the equipment room will require three days’ notice.

Jersey cleaning should be done in cold water as hot water affects the integrity of the jersey, and please use low heat or preferably hang to dry.

Game jerseys are not to be worn in practices, or at any time other than game situations or approved team functions.

Jerseys will be the responsibility of the individual player and must be returned in a similar condition at the end of the year, except for normal wear. Note: Tears, cuts, burns, glue adhesive, rips, etc. are not considered normal wear and the cost of a replacement jersey will be the responsibility of the individual player.

Failure to adhere to the above jersey policy or unreturned jerseys shall result in the player being charged the replacement fee.

Use of the Cape Breton Blizzard logo requires the written consent of the Blizzard Hockey Board of Directors.


Media and photos/video

Participants grant to Hockey Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association, with its representatives and employees the right to take photographs or video of during any event related to the mentioned organizations. Please contact the Association if you have a concern and we will endeavour to address it.
Hockey Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association, its assigns and transferees to copyright, may use and publish the same in print and/or electronically and may use such photographs for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, web content, or promotional documents for future Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association and Hockey Nova Scotia events.
Individual or group photos that include my child that are submitted by another parent may be posted on the Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association website or social media pages anytime during the hockey season. These images are for the purposes of illustrating the game of hockey and development of related activities, and may be used by Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association or its assigns. These images are not for sale and will be used only by Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association or other agencies working with Cape Breton Blizzard Female Hockey Association.